tell me your dreams

and I’ll tell you mine

September, 2024

A Journey Through Memory is a collection of 16 whimsical paintings on canvas that call us to reflect on who we are and where we came from.

They are reminders of the essence we carry and how

those dreams we hold close to our hearts matter deeply.

As I painted this collection of original works, I kept reflecting on the dreams I had as a little girl. How they once felt blurry or abstract or maybe even impossible at times. The waiting and wondering and all the beauty and discovery in between. During the 3 month process of bringing these works to life, I felt my heart open in surrender to possibility and wonder.

The question of “what if?” really settled into my spirit.

Over time, I’ve realized all parts of my journey have held significant purpose. I felt as though these brush strokes helped me recall parts of myself that I had long forgotten about. My confidence. My voice. My purpose. And simultaneously propelled me forward. To walk more unapologetically, boldly. In remembering, we can run more freely into who we are created to be.

My hope is that these fresh new pieces will remind you of the beauty, power, and unique gift that you carry as well .. and that they unlock something bold within you, too. <3